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PPT 6 Yes. In the Tab stop position list, select the tab stop you want to

[Microsoft office 2016 guide pdf free download

In the Choose Theme or Themed Document dialog box, browse to the theme you want to apply, and then click Open. After you save a presentation for the first time, you can save changes simply by click- ing the Save button on the Quick Access Toolbar.


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The function of these features will be more. With PowerPoint, you can create engaging presentations that can be presented in person, online. Computer Literacy Syllabus Class time: Mondays p. Class location: W. Main Street, Mt. With the finest documentformatting tools, Word helps you organize. Microsoft Office PowerPoint Navigating the PowerPoint Environment The Ribbon: The ribbon is where you will access a majority of the commands you will use to create and develop your presentation.

April 20, Publisher Cheat Sheet Toolbar customize click on arrow and then check the ones you want a shortcut for File Tab has new, open save, print, and shows recent documents, and has choices. Basic Microsoft Excel The biggest difference between Excel and its predecessors is the new layout. All of the old functions are still there with some new additionsbut they are now located.

What you can expect. Computer Applications Rationale Statement: With the growing need for computers in school and business, it is important that South Dakota high school students have an understanding of common application.

The syllabus describes, through learning outcomes, the knowledge windows 10 home free download skills that a. Microsoft Word can be used to create documents, brochures. You can click on a shortcut on your desktop. PPT 6 Yes. They are arranged in alphabetical order running from left to right.

If you point. The Opening Screen You will see the default opening screen is actually composed of three parts: 1. This program helps you to enhance your oral presentation and keep the audience.

Microsoft Word can be used to create documents. Accessing Microsoft PowerPoint To access Microsoft PowerPoint from your home computer, you will probably either use the Start menu to select the program or double-click on an icon on the Desktop. To open. You can use Excel to create and format workbooks a collection of spreadsheets in order to analyze data and.

Get Familiar with Excel The top portion of the window has a new structure. Microsoft Access handout Access is a relational database program you can use to create and manage large quantities of data. You can use Access to manage anything from a home inventory to a giant. Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint By the end microsoft office 2016 guide pdf free download class, students should be able to: Identify parts of the work area. Create a new presentation using PowerPoint s design templates.

Navigate around a presentation. An Excel file is referred to. Ribbon menu The Ribbon menu system with tabs for various Excel commands. This Ribbon system replaces microsoft office 2016 guide pdf free download traditional menus used with Excel Above the Ribbon in the upper-left corner is the Microsoft. You will start by getting acquainted with the Word user interface, creating a new.

Microsoft Office Topics per Roxio creator 2011 gratis free download This document contains: List of courses Details of what is covered in each course Registration links Please review prerequisites and topics before registering. MS Office. Titles Microsoft. Middle School The goal of the Middle School Computer curriculum is to further develop technology skills for both academic learning and personal productivity in the 21 st century.

Students learn the science. PowerPoint presentations are. Slide masters allow you to make a change just. With PowerPoint, you can easily create slide shows. Trainers and other presenters use slide shows to illustrate their. Working with Tables in Microsoft Word The purpose of this document is to lead you through the steps of creating, editing and deleting tables and parts of tables.

This document follows a tutorial format. Do you prefer. Word Basics Learning Guide Exploring Word At first glance, the new Word interface may seem a bit unsettling, with fat bands called Ribbons replacing cascading text menus and microsoft office 2016 guide pdf free download bars. Lower School The goal of the Lower School Computer curriculum is to continue to develop technology skills for both academic learning and personal productivity in the 21 st century.

Using Microsoft Word Many Word documents will require elements that were created in programs other than Word, such as the picture to the right. Nontext elements in a document are referred to as Objects. In This Microsoft office 2016 guide pdf free download Microsoft PowerPoint looks very different, so we created this guide to help you minimize the learning curve.

Read on to learn key parts of the new interface, discover free PowerPoint. Using Excel Files PPT Press and hold the shift key while dragging a sizing handle away. Microsoft Word Basics 1. From Microsoft office 2016 guide pdf free download, look for the Microsoft office 2016 guide pdf free download tile and click it.

The Ribbon- seen across the top of Microsoft Word. The ribbon contains Tabs, Groups, and Commands a. Tabs sit across the. A worksheet is a grid, made up of columns, which are.

The following are the outlines: 1. Start Microsoft Word Describe the Word Screen. When the Microsoft office 2016 guide pdf free download Gallery opens, view some of the available Word templates by clicking to expand the Groups, and. There are vertical columns and horizontal rows. A cell is where the. Creating a presentation in Microsoft office 2016 guide pdf free download PowerPoint involves starting with a basic design; adding new slides and content, choosing layouts; modifying slide design; and creating effects such as animated slide.

Microsoft Office Series Microsoft Office is the office suite of desktop applications delivering the tools and services to get work done. Our Microsoft Office Quickcert offerings allow your key individuals. Quick Start Guide Microsoft Publisher looks different from previous versions, so we created this guide to help you minimize the learning curve. Quick Access Toolbar Add your favorite commands to the. Computer Checklist 1 Computer User Levels 1 The following skills checklist is organized according to program title and categorized into three levels of computer literacy:, and.

PowerPoint presentations are composed of slides, just like conventional presentations. Like a 35mm film-based slide, each PowerPoint slide. Word basics Word is a powerful word processing and layout application, but to use it most effectively, you first have to understand the basics. This tutorial introduces some of the tasks and features that. With Google. Starting, shutting. University of Miami Information Technology Word is fairly similar to Word but has a few variations. Wordhowever, still uses the same file extension.

Creating a Poster Presentation using PowerPoint Course Description: This course is designed to assist you in creating eye-catching effective posters for presentation of research findings at scientific. Computer Classes held Beginning Excel Open existing spreadsheets and enter data Save updates Adjust row and column heights Format numbers читать cell characteristics borders, shading, etc.

Insert formulas. Start Word if the Word icon is not on the desktop: a. Course Outline 1. Computer Skills: Levels of Proficiency September Computer Skills: Levels of Proficiency Because of the continually increasing use of computers in our daily communications and work, the knowledge of.

In This Guide Microsoft Word looks very different, so we created this guide to help you minimize the learning curve. Read on to learn key parts of the new interface, discover free Word training.

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Microsoft Word Step by Step – PDF Drive – What is Microsoft Office 2016?


When it was written, most of the detailed information about Word was still in the built-in Help. Since then, Help has mainly been moved to the Web, making it difficult to find assistance when you are offline, but there is a huge amount of information available when you are online.

In my experience, you will have better results searching with Google than searching within Word using Bing. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community.

This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Desiree Yau Microsoft Agent. Hello Birru, You can download the Microsoft Word user manual through this article. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. Suzanne S. The available effects match the current theme colors.

To change the font of selected text 1. On the Mini Toolbar or in the Font group on the Home tab, in the Font list, click the font you want to apply. Then press the Enter key. To format selected text as bold, italic, or underlined 1. TIP To quickly apply a different underline style to selected text, click the arrow next to the Underline button on the Home tab, and then in the list, click the underline style you want to apply.

To cross out selected text by drawing a line through it 1. On the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Strikethrough button. Select the characters you want to reposition. To apply artistic effects to selected text 1. Then make selections on the submenus to apply and modify those effects. To change the font color of selected text 1.

In the Theme Colors or Standard Colors palette, select a color swatch to apply that color to the selected text. In the Colors dialog box, click the color you want in the honeycomb on the Standard page, or click the color gradient or enter values for a color on the Custom page.

To change the case of selected text 1. If the selection ends in a period, Word does not include the Capitalize Each Word option in the rotation. If the selection does not end in a period, Word does not include Sentence case in the rotation. To highlight text 3 1. When the pointer changes to a highlighter, drag it across one or more sections of text to apply the highlight.

Click the Text Highlight Color button or press the Esc key to deactivate the highlighter. To copy formatting to other text 1. Click anywhere in the text that has the formatting you want to copy. When the pointer changes to a paintbrush, click or drag across the text you want to apply the copied formatting to. If you activated the Format Painter for multiple targets, repeat step 3 until you finish applying the formatting.

Then click the Format Painter button once, or press the Esc key, to deactivate the tool. To repeat the previous formatting command 1. Select the text to which you want to apply the repeated formatting. To open the Font dialog box 1. To remove character formatting 1. Select the text you want to clear the formatting from. To change the character spacing 1. Select the text you want to change.

Open the Font dialog box, and then click the Advanced tab to display character spacing and typographic features. In the Spacing list, click Expanded or Condensed. In the adjacent By box, set the number of points you want to expand or condense the character spacing. In the Font dialog box, click OK. Used judiciously, character formatting can make a plain document look attractive and professional, but excessive use can make it look amateurish and detract from the message.

Bear in mind that lowercase letters tend to recede, so using all uppercase capital letters can be useful for titles and headings or for certain kinds of emphasis. However, large blocks of uppercase letters are tiring to the eye. TIP Where do the terms uppercase and lowercase come from? Until the advent of computers, individual characters made of lead were assembled to form the words that would appear on a printed page. The characters were stored alphabetically in cases, with the capital letters in the upper case and the small letters in the lower case.

Create and modify lists Lists are paragraphs that start with a character usually a number or bullet and are formatted with a hanging indent so that the characters stand out on the left end of each list item.

Fortunately, Word takes care of the formatting of lists for you. You simply indicate the type of list you want to create.

When the order of items is not important—for example, for a list of people or supplies—a bulleted list is the best choice. And when the order is important—for example, for the steps in a procedure— you will probably want to create a numbered list. If the list is numbered, Word automatically updates the numbers.

You can change both the overall indentation of the list and the relationship of the first line to the other lines. To format a new bulleted or numbered list as you enter content 1. When you start a list in this fashion, Word automatically formats it as a bulleted or numbered list. When you press Enter to start a new item, Word continues the formatting to the new paragraph. Typing items and pressing Enter adds subse- quent bulleted or numbered items. To end the list, press Enter twice; or click the Bullets arrow or Numbering arrow in the Paragraph group on the Home tab, and then in the gallery, click None.

Select the paragraphs that you want to convert to list items. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, do either of the following: Click the Bullets button to convert the selection to a bulleted list. To create a list that has multiple levels 1. Start creating a bulleted or numbered list.

In the case of a bulleted list, Word changes the bullet character for each item level. In the case of a numbered list, Word changes the type of numbering used, based on a predefined numbering scheme. TIP For a multilevel list, you can change the numbering pattern or bullets by clicking the Multilevel List button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab and then clicking the pattern you want, or you can define a custom pattern by clicking Define New Multilevel List.

To modify the indentation of a list 1. To sort bulleted list items into ascending or descending order 1. Select the bulleted list items whose sort order you want to change. In the Sort by area, click Ascending or Descending. To change the bullet symbol 1. Select the bulleted list whose bullet symbol you want to change. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Bullets arrow. In the Bullets gallery, click the new symbol you want to use to replace the bullet character that begins each item in the selected list.

To define a custom bullet 1. In the Bullets gallery, click Define New Bullet. In the Define New Bullet dialog box, click the Symbol, Picture, or Font button, and make a selection from the wide range of options. Click OK to apply the new bullet style to the list.

To change the number style 1. Select the numbered list whose number style you want to change. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Numbering arrow to display the Numbering gallery. Make a new selection to change the style of the number that begins each item in the selected list. Click OK to apply the new numbering style to the list.

To start a list or part of a list at a predefined number 1. Place the cursor within an existing list, in the list paragraph whose number you want to set. In the Set value to box, enter the number you want to assign to the list item. You can learn more about these and other AutoFormatting options by exploring the Auto- Correct dialog box, which you can open from the Proofing page of the Word Options dialog box.

You can select and clear options to control automatic formatting behavior One interesting option in this dialog box is Border Lines. With a couple of mouse clicks, you can easily change the look of words, phrases, and paragraphs by using styles.

More importantly, you can build a document outline that is reflected in the Navigation pane and can be used to create a table of contents. Apply styles Styles can include character formatting such as font, size, and color , paragraph format- ting such as line spacing and outline level , or a combination of both. Styles are stored in the template that is attached to a document.

By default, blank new documents are based on the Normal template. The Normal template includes a standard selection of styles that fit the basic needs of most documents. These styles include nine heading levels, various text styles including those for multiple levels of bulleted and numbered lists, index and table of contents entry styles, and many specialized styles such as those for hyperlinks, quotations, placeholders, captions, and other elements.

By default, most common predefined styles are available in the Styles gallery on the Home tab. For this reason, formatting document content by using styles produces a harmonious effect. After you apply named styles, you can easily change the look of an entire document by switching to a different style set that contains styles with the same names but different formatting. Style sets are available from the Document Formatting gallery on the Design tab.

Pointing to a style set in the gallery displays a live preview of the effects of applying that style set to the entire document TIP Style sets provide a quick and easy way to change the look of an existing document. You can also modify style definitions by changing the template on which the document is based. On the Home tab, click the Styles dialog box launcher.

To change which styles are displayed in the Styles pane 1. Open the Styles pane, and then click Options. Open the Styles pane, and then select or clear the Show Preview check box. To add a style to the Styles gallery 3 1. In the Styles pane, point to the style, click the arrow that appears, and then click Add to Style Gallery.

To remove a style from the Styles gallery 1. To apply a built-in style 1. Select the text or paragraph to which you want to apply the style. TIP If the style you want to apply is a paragraph style, you can position the cursor anywhere in the paragraph. If the style you want to apply is a character style, you must select the text.

In the Styles gallery on the Home tab, or in the Styles pane, click the style you want to apply. To change the style set 1. On the Design tab, in the Document Formatting group, click the More button if necessary to display all the style sets.

Point to any style set to preview its effect on the document. Click the style set you want to apply. Manage outline levels Styles can be used for multiple purposes: to affect the appearance of the content, to build a document outline, and to tag content as a certain type so that you can easily locate it.

Outline levels include Body Text and Level 1 through Level 9. Most documents make use only of body text and the first three or four outline levels. They appear as headings in the Navigation pane and act as handles for the content that appears below them in the hierarchy. You can collapse and expand the content below each heading, and move entire sections of content by dragging the headings in the Navigation pane.

To display the document outline in the Navigation pane 3 1. In the Navigation pane, click Headings to display the document structure. TIP Only headings that are styled with the document heading styles appear in the Navigation pane. To expand or collapse the outline in the Navigation pane 1.

TIP If there is no triangle next to a heading, that heading does not have subheadings. To expand or collapse sections in the document 1.

In a document that contains styles, point to a heading to display a triangle to its left. The theme is a combination of coordinated colors, fonts, and effects that visually convey a certain tone. To change the look of a document, you can apply a different theme from the Themes gallery. The default installation of Word offers 30 themes to choose from Each theme has a built-in font set and color set, and an associated effect style.

In some font sets, the heading and body fonts are the same. For example, the first color in each set is applied to the Title and Intense Refer- ence styles, and different shades of the third color are applied to the Subtitle, Heading 1, and Heading 2 styles.

If you create a combination of theme elements that you would like to be able to use with other documents, you can save the combination as a new theme. By saving the theme in the default Document Themes folder, you make the theme available in the Themes gallery. In a corporate environment with managed computer configurations, the user profile folder might be located elsewhere.

By default, Word applies the Office theme to all new, blank documents. In Word , the Office theme uses a primarily blue palette, the Calibri font for body text, and Calibri Light for headings. If you plan to frequently use a theme other than the Office theme, you can make that the default theme.

Use theme elements that reflect your corporate colors, fonts, and visual style, and then save the theme to a central location or send the theme file by email and instruct your colleagues to save it to the default Document Themes folder. To apply a built-in theme to a document 1. On the Design tab, in the Document Formatting group, click the Themes button, and then click the theme you want to apply. TIP If you have manually applied formatting to document content, the theme does not override the manual formatting.

To change theme elements in a document 1. Apply a base theme, and then modify the theme colors, fonts, and effects as you want them. On the Design tab, in the Document Formatting group, click the Themes button. In the File name box, replace the suggested name, and then click Save. To apply a custom theme 1. Display the Themes menu.

If you have created a custom theme, the Themes menu now includes a Custom area that contains your theme. Click the theme to apply it to the document. To change the default theme 1. In the document, apply the theme you want to use as the default theme.

To apply a theme from a nonstandard location 1. At the bottom of the Themes menu, click Browse for Themes. In the Choose Theme or Themed Document dialog box, browse to the theme you want to apply, and then click Open. To find the location of your Document Themes folder 1.

At the bottom of the Themes menu, click Save Current Theme. In the Save Current Theme dialog box, click the icon at the left end of the address bar to display the full path to the Document Themes folder. Note that the second method removes the theme choice from the gallery but does not remove the theme file from your Themes folder. If you need to make adjustments, you can add or delete rows or columns ormerge cells. When you click in the table, the Table Design and Layout tabs appear.

On the Table Design tab, choose different colors, table styles, add or remove borders from the table. This way you can create a table with more than ten columns and eight rows, as well as set the column width behavior.

Under Table Size, select the number of columns and rows. Click OK and the new table appears in your document. You can even draw diagonal lines and cells within cells.

The pointer changes to a pencil. You can use mail merge in Office to create form letters or address labels, certificates with unique names, and more. Here’s how. With mail merge, you create a document in Word that has the information that you want to be the same in each version such as the return address on an envelope or the main content of your email.

You add fields as placeholders in the document for the unique information that you want to be updated such as the recipient’s name or address. Instead of having to manually create new versions of the same document and replace those fields, Word does all the work, pulling in information from your Outlook contacts, an Excel spreadsheet or other data source to run the mail merge.

Make sure your contacts list is ready. It’s best to have your spreadsheet or Outlook contacts prepared before you start creating the document so the mail merge goes smoothly. For example, whether you’re using Outlook contacts or an Excel spreadsheet for your data source, make sure none of the data is missing for the fields you’ll be pulling in.

If you’re using Outlook and have a large number of contacts but only want to use mail merge for specific contacts, you’ll make the process easier by selecting those contacts and copying them to a new folder. Create a new blank document in Word. Navigate to the Mailings tab. Click the Start Mail Merge button and select your document type. We’ll start with the letter first. Click the Select Recipients button and choose to create a new list, use an existing list, or choose from Outlook Contacts.

The “Type a New List… ” option creates a new data table in Word, but you’re better off using an external source like a spreadsheet or the contacts list in Outlook so the data is readily available to other programs and other purposes. If you choose “Use an Existing List…” you’ll be asked to browse to the file on your computer and then confirm the data table.

If you choose “Choose from Outlook Contacts…” you’ll be asked to choose the Outlook contact folder and then add or remove recipients from the merge. This is why we advised in step one to create a new contacts folder for your mail merge: You won’t have to scroll all of your contacts in this small box. Create the content for your document and insert the placeholders.

When you get to the part where you get to information that needs to be personalized from your data source, insert a placeholder with either the Insert Merge Field button or one of the two shortcuts Word offers for common fields: Address Block and Greeting Line.

Use the Address Block shortcut. As the name suggests, the Address Block button creates a placeholder for a name and address–useful when creating letters or mailing labels or envelopes. With both the Address Block and Greeting Line shortcuts, you’ll be able to specify what gets inserted and preview what it will look like.

Use the Greeting Line shortcut. The Greeting Line button adds a salutation that you can format. The dropdowns will let you select to include the full name by default , the full name with the title e. Joshua Randall Jr. As with the Address Block shortcut, preview the results of the mail merge and use the Merge Fields… button to correct make sure your fields match if they don’t in the preview.

Insert other fields into your document. For other placeholders you might need, click on Insert merge field and select the field you want to insert at that point in the document. Preview the merge results after you’ve finished the document and inserted all your fields by clicking the Preview Results button. In the Mailings tab, use the forward and back buttons to check all of the mail merge results.

In addition to letters which can be any sort of document, including certificates and coupons , you can choose emails, envelopes, labels, or directories as the document type. Citations In Word, you can easily add citations when writing a document where you need to cite your sources, such as a research paper.

Afterwards, you can create a bibliography of the sources you used to write your paper. To add a citation to your document, first add the source you used. Create a source 1.

On the References tab, click the arrow next to Bibliography Style and click the style that you want to use for the citation and source. Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite. On the References tab, click Insert Citation. In the Create New Source dialog box, next to Type of Source, select the type of source you want to use for example, a book section or a website.

Enter the details for the source and click OK. The source is added as a citation at the place you selected in your document. When you’ve completed these steps, the citation is added to the list of available citations.

The next time you quote this reference, you don’t have to type it all out again. You just add the citation see the steps in the following procedure. Add citations to your document 1. Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite, and then on the References tab, click Citations. In the Citations pane on the right, double-click the citation you want to add. Make the changes you want to the source and click OK. To manage your list of sources, click Citation Source Manager and then add new sources or edit or delete sources in the list.

Usually, footnotes appear at the bottom of the page and endnotes come at the end of the document or section. Add a footnote 1. Click where you want to add a footnote. Word inserts a reference mark in the text and adds the footnote mark at the bottom of the page. Type the footnote text. TIP: To return to your place in your document, double- click the footnote mark. Add an endnote 1. Click where you want to add an endnote. Type the endnote text. TIP: To return to your place in your document, double-click the endnote mark.

Customize footnotes and endnotes After you add your footnotes and endnotes, you can change the way they appear. For example, you can change the number format or where they show up in your document. On the Insert menu, click Footnote to open the Footnote and Endnote box. In the Footnote and Endnote box, select the options you want. TIP: To restart footnote or endnote numbering at the beginning of each section, in the Footnote and Endnote box, click Footnotes orEndnotes, and in Numbering, click Restart each section.

Individual slides can include bullet points, pictures, charts, tables, and Practice files business diagrams. Professionally designed themes visu- No practice files are necessary to ally enhance your message and provide a professional, complete the practice tasks in this coordinated appearance. The elements that control the appearance of PowerPoint and the way you interact with it while you create presen- tations are collectively referred to as the user interface. Some user interface elements, such as the color scheme, are cosmetic.

Others, such as toolbars, menus, and but- tons, are functional. The default PowerPoint configuration and functionality is based on the way that most people work with the app. You can modify cosmetic and func- tional user interface elements to suit your preferences and working style. This chapter guides you through procedures related to starting PowerPoint, working in the PowerPoint user interface, and managing Office and app settings.

You might also have a shortcut to PowerPoint on your desktop or on the Windows taskbar. When you start PowerPoint without opening a specific presentation, the PowerPoint Start screen appears. The Start screen is a hybrid of the Open and New pages of the Backstage view. It displays links to recent files in the left pane, and new file templates in the right pane.

TIP You can turn off the appearance of the Start screen if you want to go directly to a new, blank presentation.

Click the Start button, and then click All apps. In the app list, click any index letter to display the alphabet index, and then click P to scroll the app list to the apps starting with that letter. Scroll the list if necessary, and then click PowerPoint to start the app. To start PowerPoint on a Windows 8 computer 1. From the Start screen, display the Apps screen.

Sort the Apps screen by name, and then click any index letter to display the alphabet index. In the alphabet index, click P to scroll the app list to the apps starting with that letter.

Then click PowerPoint to start the app. Work in the PowerPoint user interface The PowerPoint user interface provides intuitive access to all the tools you need to develop a sophisticated presentation tailored to the needs of your audience.

The apps in the Office suite are designed to work together to provide highly efficient methods of getting things done. You can install one or more Office apps on your com- puter. Some apps have multiple versions designed for different platforms.

For example, you can install different versions of PowerPoint on a computer, a smartphone, an iPad, and an Android device; you can also work in a version of PowerPoint that is hosted entirely online. Although the core purpose of an app remains the same regardless of the platform on which it runs, the avail- able functionality and the way you interact with the app might be different.

It is available as part of the Office suite of apps, as a freestanding app, or as part of an Office subscription. Until recently, the standard way of acquiring Office software was to purchase a disc, packaged in a box, and install the software from the disc.

In the recent past, the standard distribution model has changed to an online installation, often as part of an Office subscription licensing package. Office , which was originally available only to businesses, now has many subscription options designed for individual home and business users, students, households, small businesses, midsize businesses, enterprises, government agencies, academic institutions, and nonprofits; in other words, whatever your needs may be, there is an Office subscription option that will be a close fit.

Many of the Office subscription options include licens- ing for the desktop Office apps and permit users to run Office on multiple devices, including Windows computers, Mac computers, Windows tablets, Android tablets, iPads, and smartphones.

You can review and edit presen- tations in PowerPoint Online, which runs directly in your browser instead of on your computer.

PowerPoint Online displays the contents of a presentation very much like the desktop app does, and offers a limited subset of the commands and content formatting options that are available in the full desktop app.

Com- mands for tasks you perform often are readily available, and even those you might use infrequently are easy to find. Title bar At the top of the app window, this bar displays the name of the active file, identifies the app, and provides tools for managing the app window, ribbon, and content. The title bar elements are always on the left end, in the center, and on the right end of the title bar The Quick Access Toolbar at the left end of the title bar can be customized to include any commands that you want to have easily available.

You can change the location of the Quick Access Toolbar and customize it to include any command to which you want to have easy access.

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